August 2018
Attending fantastic Joint ESEB-Evolution conference in Montpellier, France
23/08/18 00:10 Category: Conferences
The joint conference of European Society of Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) and Evolution conference of America was held in Montpellier, France this year, between 18 Aug. -22 Aug. There are over 2,700 evolutionary biologists from all over the world attending this largest conference (so far) in evolutionary biology, to present and discuss their works and exchange ideas. This conference helps promotes collaborations among people sharing similar topic interests. It was a great success due to the enormous efforts from the organisers. A huge thanks for the organizers!
Presenting my work on frog sex chromosome evolution during the conference

A very successful and fantastic joint ESEB and Evolution conference held in Montpellier, France, in total >2700 evolutionary biologists from all over the world attended.

Great place to host a conference dinner and party in a Middle Ages church/castle, we had fantastic time! Thanks for the efforts and thoughtfulness of the organisers!
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Presenting my work on frog sex chromosome evolution during the conference

A very successful and fantastic joint ESEB and Evolution conference held in Montpellier, France, in total >2700 evolutionary biologists from all over the world attended.

Great place to host a conference dinner and party in a Middle Ages church/castle, we had fantastic time! Thanks for the efforts and thoughtfulness of the organisers!

Visiting our collaborator Prof. Tatiana Giraud lab at Université Paris-Sud in Orsay, France
11/08/18 00:13 Category: News
I am currently visiting Tatiana’s lab and will stay in Orsay, France for Aug. and Sep. 2018. Many thanks for both Michael and Tatiana’s arrangement to make this happen, Tatiana for providing the invitation letter and hosting me. I am very excited for our various collaborations!
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Great thanks for all awesome summer interns of Hood lab
01/08/18 00:13 Category: News
Thanks for all summer interns of Hood lab, who did great jobs in contributing to various projects running in the Hood lab. The projects include disease ecology, genomics and degeneration of mating-type chromosomes etc. Photo credits: Sarah Gayer.
Hood lab photo with all the summer interns, it was great fun to work with you! Thank you all again for your hard work and substantial contributions. See you in the Fall! From left to right: Sangmin Song, James Colwell, Irish Amundson, Kelley Baumann, myself, and Sarah Gayer.