September 2018
Two months of productive collaborations with Tatiana Giraud lab at University of Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
29/09/18 00:06 Category: News
I took the flight back to Amherst, MA, USA, after a fantastic and productive two months period in Prof. Tatiana Giraud lab. Thanks very much, Tatiana Giraud and the whole team for hosting me! I had a really fantastic time and stimulating visit for the past two months. Looking forward to our further collaborations!
Gorgeous view of lab in Orsay, France!
Gorgeous view of lab in Orsay, France!
The lab building when I left on 02. Oct. 2018, with the beautiful autumn colours!
Excited to give a seminar on frog sex chromosome evolution at Department of Genetics and Ecology Evolution, Université Paris-Sud
22/09/18 00:08 Category: Invited talks
Thanks so much for the opportunity! Thanks for the hosting by Tatiana Giraud and the whole team members. I am every excited to share and discuss my work on evolution of frog homomorphic sex chromosomes and sex-biased gene expression, at Seminaires IDEEV, department of Genetics and Ecology Evolution, Université Pairs-Sud. Thanks for the great discussions. Photo credit: Jade Bruxaux.
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